Not Being ‘As Young As Before’

David Aragon
3 min readNov 24, 2021
My Father showing us a cut on his finger. I can’t see the cut, but I’m sure its there. It’s probably a paper cut, those things are small but they hurt. :-)

Hey, so you’re not as young as you were before! Who cares? Mid life crises? It happens. If you really feel the need to buy those bikini underwear like I mentioned before, don’t just surprise your spouse with them one day. You may want to let them ease into seeing you in them. Just one more tip on underwear; stay away from the thong type all together! I have seen some ladies that look really great in thong bikini’s so it is possible to look good, however be honest with yourself! How’s YOUR ass gonna look?! It’s just something about seeing that little thong swallowed up by a flabby butt, I think you get the picture.

Nowadays every woman wears the thong type panties and I don’t think that’s all bad. (The above paragraph still applies; no flabby butts please!) Also, the hip hugger pants, again that’s not bad… IF THEY FIT YOU! I see some women (girls, whatever) that wear hip huggers that should be wearing “blub huggers.” Please, please, please — do not be fashionable at the cost of everyone around you. For heavens sake, I don’t run around with my gut hanging out over my pants, I don’t think that blub should be shown to the public. Keep your blub to your someone special.

It’s weird and funny to see older people and how they dress. I think it would be safe to say that they could care less about current fashion trends. For the most part, I’m sure they just don’t give a…



David Aragon

Filmmaker, storyteller, and retired military officer. From enlisting in the U.S. Coast Guard to working on block buster movies like the Suicide Squad 2.